Consultation Response

Update – Tuesday 7th November 2023

The Regulation 14 Consultation has now closed. We wish to thank you for the representations received, which will be reviewed and changes made to the Neighbourhood Plan as necessary.


The Regulation 14 consultation provides an opportunity for the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents and evidence base to be presented to consultees and key stakeholders. All comments received will be considered by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and Parish Council to provide a revised version of the Neighbourhood Plan.

A Consultation Statement will be published with the revised Neighbourhood Plan which will include a summary of all comments received (including respondents names and organisations, where appropriate) and how these have been considered which will be submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. 

For the response to be duly made, it must include your name and address, without this information we will be unable to process your representation. 

The consultation closes at midnight on Monday 6th November 2023. Comments received after this time may not be considered.