
Welcome to the website for the Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan Review.

Here you will find all the information you need about our efforts to shape the future of our village and create a sustainable and prosperous community.

The Sherborne St John Neighbourhood Plan is a collaborative initiative that aims to give our residents a greater say in how our village develops over the coming years. Through this plan, we hope to identify and address the key issues and opportunities that will shape the character and well-being of Sherborne St John.

This webpage serves as a central hub for all things related to the Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Plan Consultation. You will find the Neighbourhood Plan and its evidence base,  we encourage you to explore the various sections and provide your feedback, as together we can create a plan that truly reflects the aspirations of our community.

We believe that community involvement is crucial for the success of any plan, which is why we value your input and strive for transparency in our process. Our goal is to create a plan that not only protects and enhances our natural and built environment but also supports the needs and aspirations of our residents.

So, whether you are a long-time resident, a newcomer to our village, or someone with an interest in planning or the local community, we invite you to join us on this journey to shape the future of Sherborne St John. Together, let’s create a Neighbourhood Plan that captures the unique character and ambition of our village, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for generations to come